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BOF 06/19/07
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Last Updated: 2007/7/18
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ the King Church Parish Hall.

Present:        Regular Members:  Andrew Russell, H. P. Garvin, III,
                Christopher Kerr, David Woolley
Alternate Members:  Adam Burrows, Janet Sturges
                Timothy C. Griswold, Ex-officio, Doris Johnson, Financial Administrator

AbsentRegular Members:        Wayne Devoe, Mark Diebolt                               
Alternate Members:   Judy Read  
Guests: Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman

Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m and stated that Mr. Diebolt and Mr. Devoe would not be present at this evenings meeting, therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Garvin and passed unanimously to have Mr. Burrows vote for Mr. Devoe and Mrs. Sturges vote for Mr. Diebolt in their absence.  Motion carried.

Minutes of April 23, 2007

The minutes of April 23rd were reviewed.  Mr. Burrows stated that for the record he wanted it noted that the Board of Finance did review extensively the capital projects of the District’s building proposal.

Being no further corrections noted, Mrs. Sturges made a motion, seconded by Mr. Burrows to approve the minutes as amended above.  Motion carried.  

Chart of Accounts

Mrs. Johnson reviewed the Chart of Accounts stating that under Revenues there is zero percent remaining.  Under the expenditures, the postage under the Selectman’s office reflects preparation for the mailing of the tax bills.  The various departments were highlighted noting reasons for under spending and overages in several line items.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                June 19, 2007

New Business

Mr. Russell highlighted the potential time line for the upcoming budget process.  He would like to see the initial contact letter sent out to the various agencies by September 1st with the final request letter received back to the Town Hall by December 1st.   The Board of Finance specialists can start meeting with their assigned agency by late September or early October and streamline the budget process after the New Year.  Mr. Griswold said that the revenues can not be completed until the State passes its budget.

Mr. Russell stated that a Boat Study committee has been formed to investigate the needs of the Town to owning their own boat in times of fire, rescue, etc.  Mr. Garvin has been designated the Board of Finance representative to this committee, which is also made up of the police, fire department, and emergency management representatives.    Mr. Griswold stated that it wouldn’t be fair for Old Lyme to depend on the surrounding towns to constantly come to the town’s aid, however, he wants to investigate the concept of a regional boat share with neighboring town.

Mr. Russell stated that elderly tax relief information needs to be addressed to provide assistance to the elderly that are in need.  Mr. Griswold stated that a group to analyze to what degree should assistance be offered.  He said that there are state statutes that need to be considered.  The criteria formula is age and income.  Mr. Woolley volunteered to assist in that study.

Mr. Russell stated that the Town has no formal bid process in place and has asked Mr. Burrows to look into what the schools do and draft up a policy.

Mr. Griswold stated that 100 95-gallon garbage cans have been ordered.  

Old Business

Mr. Griswold stated that several bids have been received from plumbers and carpenters to improve the White Sand bathhouse.  Mr. Russell asked if one bathroom could get done at a time and to place a port-a-potty at the beach while work is being performed.  Mr. Griswold said that he would speak with Mr. Bugbee and see if the work can be done before July.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                June 19, 2007

Selectman’s Report

Mr. Griswold said that Town Hall project is progressing on schedule.  The demolition of the second floor and removal of the vaults has already been completed.  Today, concrete for the elevator shaft has been poured.  Relocation of offices is complete and working out nicely.

Town Woods Park Phase II is moving along on schedule.  Progress updates will be forthcoming.

The change over from the Landfill to the Transfer Station will be completed on August 1st.  The building and scales are in place and should be up and operating by July 1st.

The Landfill closure coordinator position has been placed in newspaper with application and resumes being sent in by June 25th for review.  The Coordinator position would coordinate proper landfill closure and capping of the landfill.

Work on the laterals is completed on Hartford Avenue.  The Town has elected to postpone the final paving until the fall when the busy summer season is completed.

Under the area of Information Technology, the new system will be functional by the first of July.  The chart of accounts has been reformatted and the staff has been trained to use.

There has been much interest on the Town-owned Tantammaheag Landing land swap for 12 acres of property off Mile Creek Road near the railroad bridge.  There have been two Selectmen meetings held on the subject and the neighborhood petitions have been circulating in opposition.  Further information would be needed before bringing the final vote to the residents at Town Meeting.

There has been discussion on who owns Liberty Street because the gates have been blocking mail delivery, etc.   

Howard Smith has resigned from the OLPD as of July 1st.   Officer Chris Olsen has been recommended to fill in while searching for another officer or analyze the Town’s needs in the future.

Sherry Meyer has informed the Town that she is going back to school for her bachelor’s degree in the human services area.  She has requested assistance with tuition from the Town.  There was a discussion as to setting a formal policy in place for all Town employees before making a decision.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                               June 19, 2007

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Woolley and passed unanimously to enter into Executive session for Public Works contract at 9:35pm.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Christ the King Church Parish Hall.

A motion was then made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn